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pocket control HM for Desk

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12.99 USD

Pocket control HM for Desk enables you to operate your HomeMatic home automation system of eQ-3 AG from your Mac.

For the use of pocket control HM a CCU, CCU2, CCU3 or RaspberryMatic is necessary. Homematic IP devices are supported.

Lighting, heating and other devices can be controlled directly or through defined actions.
Security state, open windows, temperatures and weather data are displayed in an easily understandable way.


- You can define your own views for certain devices in order to reach them quickly, or you can get an immediate overview of the most important functions of the home automation system.

- The views can be created as a list or as an image view. Image views have a background image and manually or automatically positioned devices. You can use the devices intuitively in a floor plan, a self-generated 3D representation or a photo.

- The devices in image views are fixed in the position you have selected so that the devices remain positioned when the background is moved. For devices in image views, options are available to adjust the appearance, size, background and its transparency.

- You can switch to other views with the mouse, the trackpad or buttons. There are no restrictions on the number of views, so your user interface can grow with your requirements.

- With actions you can change the status of several devices or system variables at once. E.g. you can switch on or dim lamps, close the roller shutters and increase the temperature with one action.

- You can create and change system variables and programs directly in the app. In this way, you can adapt your home automation while you are out and about.

- With push notifications from the CCU, you can quickly find out about important events in your home automation. You can specify who the recipient is in the message. A tone can be selected or the message can be muted. These notifications are listed in the app.

- With pocket control HM you have the possibility to automate devices based on time switching points. The control center takes over the automatic execution of the commands. The time switching points can be comfortably defined in a diagram.

- You can create your own icons in the app for many devices and thus recognize the status even better.

- The system log of the CCU can be displayed. The system log can be displayed as a graphic diagram for selected devices.

- Several configurations can be created (several for one system as well as for different systems).

- The exchange of configurations via iCloud and AirDrop is supported.

- Alarm and service messages are listed and can be confirmed.

- The app or just the settings can be protected with a PIN.

- IP cameras (webcams) can be integrated.

- The color scheme of the app can be customized. A dark design is available.

The external connection is made via VPN or the CloudMatic connect service.
Pocket control HM searches for the optimal type of connection itself, no matter where you are.

The VPN connection can be defined in the app and is established automatically when the app is started. How to connect to your house without an additional cloud service.